Saturday, January 3, 2009

I believe in connection and quality time well spent. and yes obviously i am learning alot of that these last 2 months of marriage. which is so unspeakably amazing-being with your best friend,making inside jokes and memories, just being there for support & encouragment vis versa.

*wanna know why i got this blog- for jeannette, candice, tosha and all the lovely ywam friends i have, i want to be in the loop :)*

Kevin and i are currently working at bear creek, a ski resort 20 min away from our house. we felt God calling us to work with young snowboarders and eventually start a bible study with them. and not going to lie its not so easy working every day with kids who still like their drug induced party life and have no concept of God~ but besides the depressing point, i feel God is using us to make break through one step at a time. we both have a few friends that we are really getting to know! and God revealed to me that these young people have to come to the relization of their need for God on their own. not that i dont have to be a light but be a freind and miricles will happen! its a process and im liking it:)

may God bless you all!