Wednesday, October 21, 2009

i saw this ladies amazing photography site!And this is what i want for my house. color walls and small details are lovely!!
Next week is the start of me PLUS 8 week old baby and 3 year old all by myself...ek. it will be a good learning lesson. i just need to stay calm and let thing come as they may. i obviously didnt relieze how much it takes to have a small baby and a young girl.

off to watch the phillies with my hubby. its so relaxing i dont know what ill do when the baseball season ends. i guess that is what husbands do to you. but i love it all the same!:)

As the seasons change physically, i feel my self changing too for the good. ive concured a thing or two in the past while (thanks be to my Maker). And i knew that when i decided to bury the hinderences i would then feel God in a new and fresh way. He told me that but it was that choice that made all the difference. So i step into a new season and im excited to see what might be in store.

I am still hoping and praying so much to get this adorable farm house like 10 mins away from where i live now. oh i hope i get it so much....i have millions and millions of ideas to do to spruce up this house!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

journey of the Bible!

So we are starting a new journey of reading thru the Bible and writing down what sticks out to us and just having to study it. taken from them to build convictions....honestly i was just tired of where i was..i felt that God was moving but that iwas stuck somehow in a rut.. i wanted the power of the Holy Spirit to move and do work thru me and kevin as well. Church has been so amazing lately. Last sunday was the first time Kevin spoke in tongues and it was a amazing step of faith for him. Im so excited.. Oh i love him so much!!

i believe that its the weather or water of something cause everyone left and right are getting pregnant...its in Gods hands on my behalf.

so long my weblog friend.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

my adventures of nannying 2 girls 3yrs old and 5 yrs old have given to be a great excitement and challange. and now there is a little boy Declan that i am going to take care of. which makes me very happy.

One day i want to start a family... and the next its a odd idea in my brain. I believe and say that when God is up for giving me a kid then that is when i am ready. cause to be honest i cant make my mind up.

on the other hand... its finally getting comfortable living in the big KU town. The students are coming back this week and im not sure if im ready for the 3AM loud drunk kids waking me up from sweet slumber. but no matter what it will begin soon. i want to make friends with them and its slow but surely but why does it frieghten me so?? i thought i was energetic( like meeting new people)?? i have a fear to overcome i know. Its the fear of standing up to my peers and living my life so they see Christ flow love out of me. Oh God i need a shove out the front door!!!. i feel they have their own agenda. their own friends. thier own lives. but i know they long for a friend to listen,to share good down to earth time.

I love Kevin!! we are going to Canada next weekend to visit Charity!!! happy.happy.happy.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I believe in connection and quality time well spent. and yes obviously i am learning alot of that these last 2 months of marriage. which is so unspeakably amazing-being with your best friend,making inside jokes and memories, just being there for support & encouragment vis versa.

*wanna know why i got this blog- for jeannette, candice, tosha and all the lovely ywam friends i have, i want to be in the loop :)*

Kevin and i are currently working at bear creek, a ski resort 20 min away from our house. we felt God calling us to work with young snowboarders and eventually start a bible study with them. and not going to lie its not so easy working every day with kids who still like their drug induced party life and have no concept of God~ but besides the depressing point, i feel God is using us to make break through one step at a time. we both have a few friends that we are really getting to know! and God revealed to me that these young people have to come to the relization of their need for God on their own. not that i dont have to be a light but be a freind and miricles will happen! its a process and im liking it:)

may God bless you all!